Here he is, WrestlePOP's OTHER top male star next to Kan Kawaii, and HIS comrade-in-arms:
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Another new WrestlePOP hunk* will be coming at ya later today. =)

*"Hunk" in as much as my deliberately crappy cartoon style will allow. =P
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He calls himself COMBATANT ZERO because combat begins and ends with him. Whatever you do in that ring, HE does better.
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That's nine WrestlePOP characters now introduced to y'all.

Number TEN will be introduced tomorrow. Wink.
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New to WrestlePOP: Androgynous dreamboat, deadly World Champion and wrestling's true queer icon.
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The WrestlePOP cast so far: Paradox, Amber Stone, The Judge, Dreadnought, Synne, Chakra, Kan Kawaii, Phoenix Slaine, Gaia Nova and Ariel 64!
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Messing around with the pen and ink look again. Just Kan Kawaii hangin' out with Amber Stone. =)
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Spoiler alert for WrestleMania tonight: THE ANGELS INVADE. #UltimateThrillRide
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After the sleeping pill that was WrestleMania, I have this overwhelming need to tweet some OOMPH and wake back up. With that, ENTER PARADOX.
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TWO new WrestlePOP stars here! Wrestling's top tag team and a razor-sharp satire of WWE's diva concept: LOU SABRE and RILEY MONACO, aka S&M!
These wrestlers all have HUGE stories that I've been writing out for years. Now that I'm starting to publicise them, it feels SO strange. =D

And I know I've barely publicised anything yet, twelve characters and some vague info, but there's a LOT still to come and I'm VERY nervous!
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Working on some amusing, innuendo-laden wrestling T-shirts for Lou Sabre and Riley Monaco, aka S&M. This is what I threw together. =P
Also working on WrestlePOP entrance gear. Gave Phoenix Slaine a kick-ass fire robe. =)
Here's him and Kan Kawaii, the WARRIORS OF JUSTICE.
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More new WrestlePOP entrance gear: CHAKRA has a raw-meat-coloured trenchcoat, as gross as his view of the world. His vile image is complete!
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Here's the entrance gear for Combatant Zero, DREADNOUGHT: a sleeveless black trench coat and an arrogant sneer.
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Getting back to making WrestlePOP's cards. Here's the finished SYNNE card! More new cards soon!
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I've shown you WrestlePOP's Combatant Cards and a Move Card. Here's another new WrestlePOP card type, the Action Card. This is STAREDOWN. =)
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Working on the first WrestlePOP deck to get a legit release: the Striker Deck. Expect some cool as fuck cards on your timelines in the coming weeks. x
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Gave Amber Stone a merch top. Her in a nutshell. And me in a nutshell, more or less. #WrestlePOP
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Just for fun, and since I've not posted for a while, here's Synne about to throw Kan Kawaii into the Big Thunder Mountain train. #WrestlePOP
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So Twitter has made mine and ALL the profile pictures circular...

Thanks a LOT, Twitter! NONE of my profile pictures are useable anymore! =(
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Here's a glimpse at the first WrestlePOP Strike Cards, finished except for the pictures. These will be part of the initial WrestlePOP decks.
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Still got the images to make but HERE is a trio of WrestlePOP Action Cards. More on how they're used SOON when I lay out WrestlePOP's rules.
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Still working out the stats, but THIS is how the Angels (Synne, Paradox, Amber Stone and Ariel 64) will look on their respective cards! =)
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HERE are the final card images and stats for Paradox, Amber Stone, Kan Kawaii, Phoenix Slaine, Gaia Nova and Dreadnought! Enjoy! #WrestlePOP
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