SO! (Rubs hands) ...WrestlePOP Cards!
I've been dropping hints about them here and there on YesMode Twitter, but what's actually the story?

I wrote out an entire fictional universe of WrestlePOP stories and characters and started brainstorming ways to present this universe...

My mind wandered to how cool Pokémon was when it first came out and I imagined, for a laugh, WrestlePOP doing what Pokémon did at launch.

An anime series? Sure, THAT'S do-able! Merchandise? Keep dreaming, fella. Trading cards? ...Wait a second. ...No, I could ACTUALLY do that!

I remembered how FUN those Pokémon cards were back then and asked myself "has there EVER been a seriously good wrestling trading card game?"

Even if one already existed, I knew I could make a BETTER one using the characters of WrestlePOP. The idea sounded too awesome to pass up.

So, for all you rasslin' fans out there, I will bring you an amazing wrestling card game to obsess over in the spirit of 90's Pokémon cards!

This will be a DIGITAL card game for now since I don't have a sufficient infrastructure to manufacture physical cards, boxes, etc.


I will be making a game/app for PC, Mac, Android and iPhone that you can load all your digital WrestlePOP cards into to make fights happen!

More news and info about the WrestlePOP card game will head to you here on YesMode Twitter in the next few months. I am SO excited for this!

For now, I leave you with the first finished combatant card. The man who HURTS, the big villain of WrestlePOP, this is CHAKRA. =)
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Here's the studio where WrestlePOP's promo videos will take place. In the studio: the Paul Heyman of WrestlePOP, THE JUDGE (modelled on me)!
Messing around with different colour schemes for the WrestlePOP studio and threw this together for fun: The Judge interviewing Paradox. =)
Here's a random gif of Ariel and the Angels in dat flashy WrestlePOP studio.
Left to right: Ariel 64, Paradox, Synne, Amber Stone.
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Roman: "This is my yard or whatever... shrug?"

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Spoiler alert: WrestlePOP ain't PG.

Ask Paradox, WrestlePOP's John Cena.
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You heard her. #AmberStone
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Been developing WrestlePOP's tag-team multiplayer mode this week. This will legit be the most fun game EVER to play with groups of friends.
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Messing with a pen & ink style. Made this.

Compliments of CHAKRA.
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Just realised I never gave a proper introduction to the WrestlePOP card game. The cards? Yes. The card GAME? No. Whoops!

Let's fix that. =)

WrestlePOP: The Wrestling Cartoon Card Game will enable you to wrestle intense, thrilling, bombastic, overblown, silly fights in card-form!

Prepare your combatant, execute move sequences, try not to get countered, change your sequence on-the-fly if you ARE countered and KICK ASS.

Any type of wrestle match you wanna fight, big-ass-slug-out, submission-chain-wrestling, ladder match, tag match, you can fight using cards!

One-on-one, two-on-two, three-on-three, five-on-one, three-way, four-way, six-way, however many people, any kind of fight is yours to have!

A legit wrestling card game NEEDS to exist, and this will be the coolest, deepest, most intuitive and most FUN wrestling card game possible.

Hard-sell for the hard fan: You can wrestle matches on the level of Omega vs. Okada, TLC II and the Royal Rumble using WrestlePOP cards. =)

The coolest thing about WrestlePOP though is the wrestlers on the cards: all with deep stories that you will go crazy for when they unfold!

There's SO much more to say about WrestlePOP, but all in good time! Stay tuned for the mad expansion of the WrestlePOP universe. #ModestPlug
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Here's a list of every WrestlePOP combatant. Finalised all their stats at last. Figured I'd reveal the bonuses and worst stats for fun. =)
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Just Ariel and her Angels ready to kill you. You're welcome. xoxo
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Making a new WrestlePOP character right now. Will tweet him when he's finished. =)